Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Mikes Spot On The Wall
  • Why Is "Missions" Sexier Than "Service"?
    I serve on the board of an interchurch oranization called Neighbourlink. or I should say I used to be.
    Of the six board members who there when I started two years ago only two remain. Lest you get the idea that they were quiters aside from me the next newest board member had over 8 years working with the organization.
    We have contacted churches in our city, our regional director has been knocking on doors, we have done dramas and promotions. At a typical meeting where we sent a letter to hundreds of churches 6 will show and one will commit to the work. But… missionfest attracted 70 churches and thousands of people went to see it.
    I'm not dissing missionfest, but what bothers me is how we can be so eager to go to a different country feed the poor, build shelters for the homeless, provide education, sponser youth events, get medical supplies and aid to those that need it but when it comes to the same problems or issues in our own back yard nobody seems very interested. Maybe its because with a mission there is a definate start and end date that doesn't require us to commit our whole lives to. Maybe when the person with a need is in our country we figure that it's their own fault or that the government should take care of them.
    Maybe some other country will send missionaries to us and the needs will be met.

Mikes Walk
  • Praying For The Enemy:
    At 6:30 am every Wednesday morning a dedicated group of men meet to petition the Lord in intercessory prayer. Today we prayed for many things but one of our focus points was Iraq. Paul urged Timothy to pray for those in authority and it is only strange when one remembers that the authority in question was Nero. So we lifted Saddam Hussein in prayer. We were greatly moved as the spirit led us to bind the powers of darkness and to release Saddam to find his answer in Christ.

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