I've seen people come to a complete stop at this sign on the Glenmore Reservoir pathway. I know a couple who had an argument about what it meant. While it makes logical sense it's not intuitive. Do they ever test these things with people before puting up the sign? Green Circles telling people what path to take would be much clearer.
- Peace
Yeah I always thought that about that sign, I know exactly the one. A little positive reinforcement would have made a lot more sense.
I think the idea is that in principal you start out being allowed to do anything you want; laws and by-laws strip out those things which you aren't allowed. So you can't really enforce the signs if they say, "bikes can go here" because hey, they didn't say "bikes CAN'T go there!"
When people see right hand arrow in a green circle or in black and white no one says but it didn't say I couldn't go left.
Calvin you're right about how this sign happened, it's a case of following the thing that works for single trails and not figguring out how to make it work in this case.
- Peace
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