I have the Element and with the bike rack can take three others with me. Only caveat is that my rack assumes a somewhat standard frame. I also have a bike rack that we use on the Carrolla, and it will fit a standard car, no hitch required. I'm willing to lend that out. Rawlie has his pick-up and can take one other person and a couple of bikes.
It would be good if we had enough extra capacity so we could leave a car in Canmore so we don't have to get a cab to take us back up to the trail head. It's at 1200 foot climb up a gravel road, no thank you. I will check with a cab company and see how much it would be if we need to.
Plan is to meet at the Alberta tourism centre at the North West End of Canmore at 9 am. The Tourism Center is just south east of the last Canmore exit off the Trans Canada. We'll then head up to the trail head and hope to be on the trail by 10:15. Ride into Banff is 19 km and will take a couple of hours. We stop, talk, take picutres etc. We'll then head back to Canmore via the highway and that's 25km, that will take about an hour and a half. We should be back in Canmore by 3 or 4 pm. We'll then dispatch the drivers to get the cars from the trail head and then head out for a bite to eat before heading back into Calgary.
If you're interested please let me know, if you have a car, need a ride. Please note while this is 45 km of mostly down hill and I describe my pace as hike and bike, this should not be your first ride of the season, unless you are in really good shape.
Your can see the satelite view of Goat Creek Trail on Google Maps.
Last year Rawleigh and I made the trip twice, check out the June and October pics.
If you'd like to come along leave a comment or drop me an email: djking@gmail.com.
- Peace
I'd like to come. Don't know if my car will be available or not. I'll have to chat this over with Matt.
Off course I would like to ride! I do need to bring my bike up there somehow, in someone's or at least being dragged behind might work too...
Well I've got space in the Element, you just have to put up with my taste in music. I can pick you and Kevin up, I need to head north sooner of later to head out highway 1.
Lisa, I sent you an email, if you don't get it drop me a line.
- Peace
BTW just thought I'd share that Andy and Cathy will be joining us :)
Yeah, I'd love to come. My pride's kinda of hurt right now, but it sounds like fun. I was really hoping to do the MS ride but oh well. what can you do. I'll come, but i more than likely going to need a ride and transportation for my bike. I'll talk to you some more on Sunday.
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