Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Brian McLaren and The 77's

Steve and I went to hear Brian McLaren speak about spiritual formation. I really enjoyed the presentation and learned a lot about the Celtic (St. Patrick) movement. I also come away with a new appreciation of the 77's song The Lust, The Flesh, The Eyes and The Pride of Life. Those are the things you need to deal with in the purgative way the first stage of spiritual formation. I knew the 77's were deep, but it this took it to a entirely new level for me. I brought in my ipod, hooked it up to Brian's ibook and played it for him. Either I made a 77's convert today or he's way too polite.

I had the pleasure of meeting Karen from Beyond Magazine today. I introduced myself as Dave King and she responds with, "oh you have a blog, I've seen you on Jordon's site". That was a little creepy. Very cool, but just a bit creepy.

Best quote of the day was Brian quoting Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy

'Vampire Christians? are those who are interested in the blood of Jesus to cover their sins, but want nothing else to do with him.

ok so that may not be an exact quote, I'll tell you when I find it in the book.



Reverend Joyleaf said...

"We have become vampire Christians who want Jesus for his blood and little else."

Is that it?

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave, appreciate your boldness on Resonate. The quote about Vampire Christians is actually taken from the endnotes of The Divine Conspiracy. Page 403 note 8. Willard writes that "vampire Christians" only want a little blood for their sins but nothing more to do with Jesus until heaven, when they have to associate with him.

Anonymous said...

I so appreciate Willard's views on what I would call "muscular Christianity:" a faith that takes sweat and toil and tears, and that can mean the difference between just living and living abundantly.

I'm still trying to figure that out in real life, by the way.