We're somewhere between Montreal & Quebec City, using the WiFi on VIA Rail.
Had a great time in Ottawa, enjoyed the hospitality immensely. Thanks to Frank for talking me out to breakfast with Michel, Kenny and Roland. It was great to put faces to emails and hear echoes of of spiritual journeys. For me it's not really travel unless you get to hang out with locals, so thanks to Resonate I had connections in Ottawa to call on.
Also experienced geek hospitality in Ottawa. Our lap top charger cord frayed beyond use just as we were leaving. A young man at a computer shop that didn't carry chargers cut it apart and respliced it after I explained that I had been to four stores and none of the universal charing packs worked for our Lenovo model. He fixed it free of charge.
Found a great used camera store in Ottawa, where the owner helped me with one of my Dad's telephoto lenes that should have fit my new camera but didn't. Again at no charge.
Ottawa was worth it for the art, architecture and history, but the hospitality takes it to another level.
- Peace
Looks like we missed each other by a few days in Ottawa. Wouldn't it have been strange to meet up in Ottawa of all places? We had a great time too, we're definitely going back to check out more museums.
Not as Strange as you might think. Sarah set her MSN Status to Visiting Parliament, a friend from Edmonton saw that, she was also in Ottawa. They were able to meet up on the hill! Would have been good to see you.
- Peace
It was great to hang out Dave, any time you are in town look me up.
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