I need to say thank to Roy (left) Tim and Suzi (right) for their hospitality.
It was great to meet Roy, he's soft spoken with a great sense of humor and he bought Sarah and I breakfast at Perkins in Fargo. The Halo effect is from the rain left on the lens after dashing into the restaurant. The back ground pick is shot through the element's windshield at 8 am in the morning. Roy and I agree Rook is evil!
Tim and Suzi are 'Friends of Cornerstone'. Suzi attended my blogging seminar at Cstone 2003 and has been blogging ever since. She's recruited Tim, her Sister and other friends into blogging. Not only did they have us over for a fantastic BBQ at Cornerstone but had us over to their house in Minneapolis for a wonderful evening of food and conversation. That Suzi would even consider having company after getting back from Cornerstone amazes me. We had a great time.
Thank you.
- Peace
Anything you can play with a standard deck, or a pinocle deck, is fine. ;)
Believe me, it was our pleasure to host you! And it gave me an excuse to tidy up instead of just crashing and leaving laundry and bedding lying around everywhere! Thanks for coming!
I grew up in a Lutheran household--can't get much more Protestant than that, eh?--and we had cards all over the place. Never played Rook as a kid, though. And before UNO came out, we played a very UNO-like game we called "Spit on your neighbor." (Some people used a different word than "spit.")
Some Evangelicals I've known have had absolutely no problem with cards. I wonder if it's a regional thing?
In short, I'm probably not the person to ask about homeschooling. We haven't done any ourselves. For the most part, we've been happy with the school system here in Fargo. We've gotten to know the teachers, and know for a fact that many of them share not only our fundamental values, but also our faith.
On the other hand, two of my brothers' families have home-schooled in one form or another, and we know other families who have done so, so I know from direct reports that it can and does work well.
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