Thursday, January 01, 2004

Calgary Salvation Army kettle campaign raises $475,000

The Salvation Army has exceeded its fundraising goal this year, and is crediting the use of debit cards as part of the reason

I did two stints as a bell ringer in front of wall mart, One woman joking, asked if we took debit. She was stunned when I told her about the pilot project. If you're into people watching then I recommend you volunteer as a bell ringer. Here's some of what I saw

  • lot's of people feel the need to explain why they aren't giving: gave at the office, sent in a check... I'm just ringing a bell you don't need to explain
  • one woman stopped to thank me for the help the Salvation Army had provided in the past
  • parent's showing their toddlers how to put money in the kettle
  • I was given a bottle of water cause I looked thirsty, I wasn't but it came in handy towards the end of my shift.
  • one man gave me a jar of change, I wonder if this a tradition for him
  • surprise on the faces of people I know that I was out ringing for the Salvation Army.
  • can't count the number of people who asked if I was supposed to be in a Santa Suit. That's an American tradition, it's amazing what we absorb second hand via the media.

- Peace

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