Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow Blowing at 4000 KM

Snow Blowing at 4000 KM
Hit the 4000 KM mark tonight, two hundred to go. If I can keep up the pace of the first ten days of December I'll hit 4200 in time for the party on the 20th. It would suck to have planned a party and then not be quite done in time.

- Peace


Daniel Jagt said...

You're tough as nails. Nice pic. Any details on this party available? :)

Anonymous said...

I've certainly never cycled in snow. That's impressive.

I was trailing you on kilometres until a few weeks back.

Then our studios moved across town and it tripled my daily commute.

Today I hit 4593 km.

I'm trying to decide whether I give myself a target of 10 000 next year.

Dave King said...

Daniel: I'll email the details :)

Rodney: That's great, how far do you do a day? 10,000 KM would be amazing!

- Peace

Spawn of Elvis said...


Calgary seems like another planet to me know. The SFU Campus got 5 cm of snow this morning and postponed all of the day's exams 'til Tuesday!