Tuesday, August 03, 2004

The Weekend in Bullets

Mike and I Arrived Saturday 2:00 am, accident on highway 2 clogged trafic, wait for food in Edmonton, more traffic just one of those trips. BTW it's about 850 km from my house to LT's cabin.

Woke up Saturday 9ish, had breakfast, LT introduced us to Linea.

Linea is a mom with seven kids!

Linea is a dentist who claims pulling teeth is easy, but teaching people to do it is hard.

Linea has practiced dentistry as a missionary in The Republic of Congo.

Talked a lot about Christian duty, I was arguing that there is no such thing. Will blog the ideas here when I can. Linea, LT and Mike me worked me over pretty good.

Linea returned to Price Albert late afternoon.

Had supper, Talked, drank Jones, watched signs, went to bed. I slept in the Element - all three nights.

Went to Church in Spiritwood, was welcomed back as family. People there are warm and have great memories. We have lunch plans for next year, go figure.

Wendy, her husband and their son Mark came back to the cabin and we had lunch. Wendy improvised some amazing Garlic bread with the spices she found at the cabin.

Jordon (Wendy's husband) and I talked about books and Eugeen Peterson in particular.

Late afternoon The Coopers headed home.

We had some snacks, talked about faith, our falleness, love forgiveness and grace. I threw pillows at Mike as a sign of how much God loved him. OK you had to be there, but it made sense at the time.

Went to bed.

Got up, had brunch talked, packed, prayed, left.

It was a great weekend, and I'm missing a ton of details, like how I must have mentioned to the Ragamuffin Gospel a 1000 times and how LT referred to his girlfriend Carrol as his wife, only once, but Mike and I noticed. I'm thinking LT could be Mr. Carrol by this time next year.

- Peace

1 comment:

Michael said...

It was a GREAT time.
We really should do this more than once a year.
I wanted to give you a really big thank you for dragging me along.
You're a great friend Dave and I'm privileged to know ya.
