Monday, May 09, 2011

Vancouver, Biking, Sarah and 100 KM.

With Sarah at 100 KM
When Sarah was two we went out to Vancouver to visit Steve and Julie, Richard and Kim's friend Colleen.  Richard, Sarah and I went for a bike ride in Stanley Park, me towing Sarah in a trailer I rented from Spokes.  Most of the the after noon Sarah called out "Go Faster Dad!"  Only once did she cry "Too Fast!"  When we returned Kim asked her how it went - "Dad went too fast!" was the reply.  Thanks Kido.

With Sarah ending her first year at UBC, I wanted to ride the Endowment lands with her when we went out to get her and her stuff.  She hadn't been, as none of her friends at UBC ride and riding the endowment lands alone isn't wise.  We rode them together, We were in awe of the beauty that surrounded us.  I hit the 100 KM mark for 2011 on that ride - hence the picture.   Sarah has been riding since Sept, so she seriously out rode me.  No chance of Dad going to fast this time.

I did 2600 KM last year, so if I hit 3600 KM this year I'll be happy.

- Peace

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