Monday, October 04, 2010

Save Blue Like Jazz (the movie)

Save Blue Like Jazz from Save Blue Like Jazz on Vimeo.

I borrowed a copy of Blue Like Jazz a couple of years ago. Enjoyed it. Not enough to care about the movie, but then I heard Steve Taylor was involved in making the movie and I've been a Taylor fan since Jr. High. So I checked out a link to Save Blue Like Jazz when I saw it on Cheaper Than Therapy a couple of days ago, they had raised just over $70k of the $125k they needed for the movie. Checked today and they've raised $93k with 21 days to go. Figured I should post this now while there is still time, cause it looks like they should hit 125k before time runs out.

- Peace

1 comment:

Save Blue Like Jaz said...

Hey Dave - thanks so much for your support!

- Zach + Jonathan -