Thursday, September 30, 2010

Canada' Entries in the World's Best Universities: Top 400

From U.S.News & World Report's World's Best Universities rankings, here are the Canadian Schools that made the list:
#18 McGill University
#29 University of Toronto
#44 University of British Columbia (UBC)
#78 University of Alberta
#131 Queen's University
#136 Université de Montréal
#145 University of Waterloo
#163 McMaster University
#164 University of Western Ontario
#165 University of Calgary
#212 Dalhousie University
#215 Simon Fraser University
#231 University of Ottawa
#241 University of Victoria
#271 Laval University
#333 York University
#358 University of Manitoba

I'll admit I surprised to see the U of C ahead of Dalhousie and SFU. Was glad to see UBC near the top :)

- Peace

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2600 KM good news / bad news

2600 KM in Fish Creek

Good news is that on Sunday, I dusted off the mountain bike and enjoyed an 18 KM ride in Fish Creek in some gorgeous autumn weather. Much nicer than most of the summer. We do get some autumn colours, and Fish Creek was the place to enjoy it. Don't think there's been that many people in the park at any point this summer. Hit the 2600 KM mark to boot.

The bad news is why I dusted off the mountain bike. Should have hit the 2600 KM mark on Thursday. Unfortunately my commuter's hub locked up just after I arrived at work. I took a spill, but least it wasn't in traffic. I was 16 KM short of 2600 KM. Was able to get the bike to Pedal Head before they closed, but the senior bike guys were in Vegas for a trade show. Heard from them today that they will have to order a part from the states, not sure how long that will be. Here's hoping the nice weather is still here when I get the bike back.

- Peace

Monday, September 27, 2010

Streaming Age of Adz by Sufjan Stevens

NPR is streaming Sufjan Steven's new album Age of Adz.  From the NPR article:
So the good news is that Stevens is back. The bad news, for fans who only want to hear more of the same, is that his new EP and album show that he has little interest in rehashing his old sound. On The Age of Adz, Stevens replaces delicately plucked banjo lines, wispy vocals and sentimental melodies with glitchy soundscapes, hip-hop beats and heavily filtered vocals. As an added touch, he soaks the whole thing with a warm, deep wash of reverb. It's a bold move, and it pays off incredibly.

- Peace

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Two Free Sufjan Stevens MP3s

Sufjan Stevens is giving away to free MP3s from his upcoming album the Age of Adz.  I'm enjoying them, but doubt it will be the hit that Come On Feel the Illinoise was.  Far more experimental.  

- Peace

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Behind on Biking and Blogging

2500 KM between Lake Louise and Banff
OK haven't been keeping up with the biking, been doing worse with the blogging.  I've hit 2300,2400 and 2500 since I last blogged my KM.

- Peace

Home Sick

We had sun after a week plus of rain.  There were some fall colours, and that makes me home sick for the vibrant colours of New Brunswick every autumn.   This year I'm also feeling home sick for home.  Sarah's at UBC and we had to put Winston down on the weekend.   The house is quiet.  This will take some getting used to.

- Peace