Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Nenshi Won

A great article in the Calgary Herald on how Nenshi won.

- Peace

Friday, October 22, 2010

New Music from U2

The above video is Every Breaking Wave one of the new songs U2 has been introducing on tour. Hennmusic has two other new songs and news on U2 releasing a new album in 2011.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Calgary Mayoral Race Re-Cap

First off Dave Bronconnier announced he wasn't running again.

This left Ric McIver and his sizable ($700 000) campaign war chest as the front runner. Ric is reported to have been raising money since 2007 - doing "constant fund raising".

Barb Higgins quit her position as local CTV news anchor to run for mayor. Having been on TV almost every night for 20 plus years she has amazing name recognition.

Conventional Political wisdom says municipal politics comes down to money and name recognition, money helping you buy name recognition. This should have been a battle of two titans.


Here we are with three days to go and it's a three way race, McIver, Higgins and Nenshi.

Naheed Nenshi was at the back of the pack at %4 support when Higgins entered the race. He didn't have her name recognition, and he doesn't have McIver's war chest. So what's going on? He's beat conventional wisdom by working out side of the traditional system. He's engaged with his supporters beyond just asking them for money. His web site had content and ideas on it! (what a crazy idea) He showed supporters how they could spread the word via their social networks. He asked tough questions about the Police budget. That upset the Chief of Police, though the chief couldn't say why Nenshi was wrong. That exchange got Nenshi coverage. Also it showed him asking tough questions. That is worth way more than saying you know how to ask questions.

Defying conventional wisdom by doing more with less; that's the type of thinking we need at City Hall.

Don't forget to vote on Monday!

- Peace

Shepherd Book get's his own Comic Book

Wired has a preview of Serenity: The Shepherd’s Tale. Looking forward to this, Book is my favorite Firefly character.

- Peace

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Free Music from Asthmatic Kitty

The Asthmatic Kitty Digital Sampler, October 2010 is out. You can listen online or download as a set of MP3s. Asthmatic Kitty is home to such artists as Sufjan Steven's and a bunch of really cool artists you've probably never heard of :)

- Peace

Monday, October 04, 2010

Save Blue Like Jazz (the movie)

Save Blue Like Jazz from Save Blue Like Jazz on Vimeo.

I borrowed a copy of Blue Like Jazz a couple of years ago. Enjoyed it. Not enough to care about the movie, but then I heard Steve Taylor was involved in making the movie and I've been a Taylor fan since Jr. High. So I checked out a link to Save Blue Like Jazz when I saw it on Cheaper Than Therapy a couple of days ago, they had raised just over $70k of the $125k they needed for the movie. Checked today and they've raised $93k with 21 days to go. Figured I should post this now while there is still time, cause it looks like they should hit 125k before time runs out.

- Peace