Friday, August 13, 2010

Git diffs with Meld

Nathan Hoad's How to: Meld for Git diffs almost worked for me. Two minor things got in the way.  First you have to have a change in the selected file or git diff does noting.  There is no error message, just nothing happens. It took me a minute to figure out. Sure seems obvious, but  I tripped over it.  Second, you have to set the execute permission on the python file. The error message made this obvious, still worth noting.

- Peace

Twitter the Movie

via: D'Arcy Norman dot net.

- Peace

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And the work begins

Dancing the Night Away
One of the over 1700 photos I have to go through from the wedding. People think digital photography is instant, and it can be. Most of the time it involves selecting then developing a photo out of dozens of possibilities. As work through the photos I'll be posting a number of them to Laurier and Andrea's Wedding set on flickr. I'll give Laurier and Andrea a DVD with a wider selection of photos.

Wish I could say I planned the above shot, but it was a happy accident :)

- Peace

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Burst Mode is Your Friend

Library Jump Shot
As I was walking around Parliament Hill this afternoon there was one woman trying to take a jump shot of her friend. After a few attempts, I asked her if she had gotten the shot. She said no. I explained about burst mode that shoots multiple shots in rapid succession. The only way to time a jump shot is not to time it. Alas we couldn't find a burst mode on her point n shoot. So I offered to take the shot and would give them my card so they could email me. They we quite excited by this offer. So I did the above shot and one with more of the Library.

- Peace

In Ottawa to shoot a Wedding

Two Bride's Maids Spinning
Shot a wedding yesterday for a friend's daughter. Had some fun at the dance with some long exposure photography.

- Peace

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Listen to the new Arcade Fire Album on NPR.

NPR is streaming the new Arcade Fire album The Suburbs.