Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Attitude and Behaviour Survey

Bene Diction links to an American survey on Christian Attitude and Behaviour towards the poor. The major draw back of the survey is that it never defines the term poor, but asks what you think of poor people, are they lazy, unlucky, hardworking, kind?

There are lazzy poor people, there are working poor people who most of us could never keep up with, there are people who are down on their luck and people who are trapped in addiction. I just don't think the survey captures the complexity of poverty, or allowed me to express the view that the causes are specific to each person.

- Peace

1 comment:

Ian McKenzie said...

Dave, I'm with you on this. I went right down the middle on assumptions of the characteristics of poor people. Just like anyone else, their circumstances are products of a number of factors.